Read our customers’ opinions about Rezotone!
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Karen, Illinois

I received the Rezotone late yesterday and wanted to share with you some of my experiences with the device so far. Today I went to my chiropractor’s office to pick up some supplements…she knew that I had just received the Rezotone and wanted to see and test it because we have both been looking for something that offers 5G protection. We started with a hair dryer, she muscle tested me but could not get my arm to go weak as long as the Rezotone was in my hand or in the room. She moved it to another room far enough...


There is a woman called Anne, who lives in my town. Anne is in her late 60s’. 3 weeks ago she was knocked down in her apartment because of 5G& EMF exposure. None of Anne’s family believe her and think she is making this all up. Her son wants her to get an MRI scan. Few days later Anne told me this when I was in her apartment last Friday. I happened to have the USB REZOTONE stick in my pocket, so I gave it to Anne.“Try it today/tonight and see if it it helps”, I said.The next day...


Pete and I used the new Rezotones 12 for the first time…WOW! I couldn’t believe what I was feeling…it was amazing…I never felt it with the original Rezotones…it was so strong and so powerful…  And yesterday I went to see a friend who has a new puppy and an old dog…the new puppy slept on my chest (on my Rezotone 12) for hours and the old dog was trying to climb on my lap while I was cuddling the puppy and my legs are a bit scratched and I had to cuddle both of them for ages…they wanted the energy of REZOTONE …it...


TESTIMONY ABOUT 5GREZOTONESHIELD USB v SHUNGITE. Here are a few words about my personal experience with being exposed to EMF. I work in the City where 5G has been partly been rolled out in the area where I work. Since this took place, I noticed a very uncomfortable sensation in my left ear, which would become warm, then reddish with a “burning sensation”. Sometimes followed by extreme fatigue and completely “zapped of energy”. I then search for solutions and found out about the qualities of Shungite. I bought few Shungite pieces and this helped me a lot especially at...


My rezotone arrived very timely! I am not living in a 5G area at the moment, but having it plugged it is making a huge difference in how my mind is still and body feels relaxed when working on my laptop all day. At night time I have it plugged in in my bedroom and especially in the first two weeks I felt a change in my sleep. Deeper, more vivid dreams and feeling more fresh when waking up. I gifted one to my friend, he experiences the same. Also my refrigerator used to make a lot of noise,...

Alexander Johnston, Columbia, MO

When I first received the Rezotone USB, the first thing I noticed is a tingling sensation in the arm I was holding the device in. It was only a couple hours later that my sinuses started to clear up, and I felt lighter in the shoulders. I primarily use the device to mitigate harmful WiFi signals by having it plugged in the modem. I do notice a difference. Without the device I feel a weird tingling sensation and get headaches most of the time. I no longer experience these discomforts around WiFi while the Rezotone USB is plugged in the...

Laura, New Jersey

 I purchased the first 2 USBs for my parents(about 4 months ago) because my parents were having severe symptoms(most likely from EMF exposure).  My parents had fatigue, headaches, dizziness, heart related issues, walking problems, memory problems, etc. which were getting serious.  However, after I purchased the USBs for them, they are a lot more alive, stable in health and most of these problems have improved tremendously(if they had 100% symptoms before, it seems that they have about 10% symptoms now).   I believe that these USBs are definitely working because my parents are very practical people who tend to follow the...

Sibylle Gabrielv

Since I use the Rezotone UBS stick I sleep much longer and better and I can work longer and thinking is much easier, I am more creative. I told all my friends and contacts to get a Rezotone without waiting to have a protection when they start with 5G everywhere.I tested at least 12 protection devices, some were very expensive and had no lasting effect. Only Somavedic and the Cosmic Tower are worth the investment but are much more expensive. Rezotone12 is small and unique. It is the best one considering all characteristics.My eyesight got better because of Rezotone, I...

aRAYah’, Florida

I have had my REZOTONE for more than 2 weeks and this is my experience in the first week: I plugged the Rezotone into my pc (which I was subsequently told that it was recommended not to do as it has 15 programs and can overload the pc). After several hours on the computer on the first evening I felt my right nostril started to throb and clear? It felt somewhat similar to when one’s sinus starts to clear after a cold / plugged nose. However, I didn’t have a cold and thought that my nasal passages were perfectly clear...


When I first receive the Rezotone 12, I felt it is definitely stronger than the original normal Rezotone. I have a chronic upper spinal Pain for 16 years, tried all available remedy from herbs, electronic supplement, sound frequency etc but only improve a little bit. Only few days of using the Rezotone 12, the pain reduced to 95%. First time I felt relieved and felt normal in many years. I am looking for the next new Rezotone 13 in future. : ) Thanks Julia.

Kiersten Caveli Sæderup

Hi Julia. I’m very happy with my Rezotone 12.I’ve had it for a week. I no longer have the pain, which I have had for over a year. I have EHS. and has been confined to my home. Now I can go shopping !!!Thank you. Love Ps. I want to order one more for my husband.

Jim, GEMINI Health Emporium, NH

I purchased 3 of the Rezotone USB devices because I want protection against the unfortunate 5G rollout in the USA. When I first tried them I could feel chills running through my body, the sensation was rather unusual. As I do not have 5G or WIFI in my living environment (thank God!) I decided to lend one of the USBs to a friend Todd, who is extremely sensitive to EMFs and does have WIFI in his environment. He wrote, “When I first plugged it in last night, I felt uncontrollable smiling from the relief. These things are amazing. “Todd...

Finola Ní Fhoghlu

Dearest Julia, I have tested the new Rezotone 12 and I have found it definitely does work. This weekend I was exposed to a lot of injected people, it didn’t bother me like it had been previously, because Rezotone12  arrived !!! For the past few weeks, my head has been swollen, feeling lethargic after being in close contact with them, energy wiped out and brain sore. Occasionally when it was a larger group of injected people together, I could feel myself backing away little by little, the pressure inside my head would ever so slightly be there then go away very quickly. When in the...

Arne M. B.

Before when I went into the city of Zürich, which has very strong 5G, I would come back home drained out and energetically disturbed. It would take me at least 12 hours or more to recuperate. Now with the Rezotone in my pocket, I can be among a big crowd and in the middle of radiation feeling very centered, grounded, and protected. This is almost unbelievable! I come home and my energy is still up and positive. Also in the house, I enjoy very much when Rezotone is in the USB charger, the whole house feels very clean and...


Had a wonderful sleep last night…definitely so much better now I can have the rezotone in the bedroom…brilliant! I like to switch off the electrics in most of the house most of the time and definitely in the bedroom at night…so feel as though I am in more contact with the Earth which makes me happier. The little adaptor that I plug into my phone at night is brilliant…so glad you sent a photo of it otherwise I wouldn’t have known about it. We had previously had them plugged in at night downstairs which worked to some extent, but it is...

Amanda, CA

After I had bought USB REZOTONE, I noticed that it normalized my blood pressure and stopped my heart fibrillations, which I always had after EMF   exposure.