Read our customers’ opinions about Rezotone!
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Amie, LA

I currently have three of your USB devices when they were sold on (Now they sell something else that doesn’t work!) I love your USB REZOTONE keys. They even help with my gas mileage in my car by 4 mpg! I would like to buy three more from your new website, so I can add a couple more in my house for 5g protection and one permanently in my car. Something else that is funny. When I purchased your USB keys, my fiance thought I was crazy that a device like that could have any affect. He told me I...

Mike Fish, New York

I have had a rezotone shield for many years and don’t go anywhere without it. It has healed me and my family in so many ways I can’t thank you enough. I live in New York USA and am interested in info on the Q light generator I’m super excited about what it can do having experienced first hand the magic of the Rezotone.

Kay Lindemann, Washington State

Dear Julia, I now have REZOTONE 12 plugged in near my computer area.It puts out a HUGE field that immediately cleared a lot of energy at first and has now smoothed everything out! My husband and I are thrilled. We are both very skilled at selecting settings on equipment such as the REZOTONE 12 and are glad to have the options.

Kiersten Caveli Sæderup

Hi Julia. I’m very happy with my Rezotone 12.I’ve had it for a week. I no longer have the pain, which I have had for over a year. I have EHS. and has been confined to my home. Now I can go shopping !!!Thank you. Love Ps. I want to order one more for my husband.


My room open to outside all day long now and little lizards running right near the door and wish to go in, but scared, birds always stay right at the balcony and some also flying right in to the room!!!  Cat of the owners of the hotel just coming and lie down here near my door all the time and want to be inside…BIRDS, ANIMALS love REZOTONE 12  healthy energy and feel very comfortable around here.


While working on my laptop for the next day presentation, I did not experience my usual headache from my router that was located on the wall near my desk. I slept all night long and without interruption woke up only in the morning! Thank you to Creators of USB Rezotone.

Izee Spirit, Syndey

My dear Julia, Good evening to you. I hope you are doing well when you get this email. First of all, we would like to thank you for your Loving Tender Care. Fingers crossed I will be able to sleep tonight. I will keep you updated of my progress. I don’t know how we could have made it without your help and support. Not enough words to express our gratitude for what you’ve done for us. Love you, Izee Spirit, Australia, Sydney

Sibylle Gabrielv

Since I use the Rezotone UBS stick I sleep much longer and better and I can work longer and thinking is much easier, I am more creative. I told all my friends and contacts to get a Rezotone without waiting to have a protection when they start with 5G everywhere.I tested at least 12 protection devices, some were very expensive and had no lasting effect. Only Somavedic and the Cosmic Tower are worth the investment but are much more expensive. Rezotone12 is small and unique. It is the best one considering all characteristics.My eyesight got better because of Rezotone, I...


Dear Julia, Have a blessed day, and know that you have changed my life with my rezotone 12 healer, angel, miracle worker, 5G protector. Miracles have been taking place in my life since it was delivered. I feel protection. I wear it on the inside of my bra daily. You are changing people’s lives with these products and you have a selfless heart:).God Bless you and yours, Be well and in love and Light!

Arne M. B.

Before when I went into the city of Zürich, which has very strong 5G, I would come back home drained out and energetically disturbed. It would take me at least 12 hours or more to recuperate. Now with the Rezotone in my pocket, I can be among a big crowd and in the middle of radiation feeling very centered, grounded, and protected. This is almost unbelievable! I come home and my energy is still up and positive. Also in the house, I enjoy very much when Rezotone is in the USB charger, the whole house feels very clean and...


There is a woman called Anne, who lives in my town. Anne is in her late 60s’. 3 weeks ago she was knocked down in her apartment because of 5G& EMF exposure. None of Anne’s family believe her and think she is making this all up. Her son wants her to get an MRI scan. Few days later Anne told me this when I was in her apartment last Friday. I happened to have the USB REZOTONE stick in my pocket, so I gave it to Anne.“Try it today/tonight and see if it it helps”, I said.The next day...


Darling Julia!  How special and thank you for thinking of me! How are you? I hope all is wonderful!  For weeks my REZOTONE has been sitting on my dresser broken. Not long ago my daughter Nayeli was rough with it and the piece that goes into the USB was bent. It was fragile to begin with and after this happened, it would break apart when removing it from the plug. Frustrated I left it on my dresser. After I read your email I decided to look at it. I held it in my hands and said a prayer to the...

Eva, Feistadt

I have the USB 6 weeks now and I´m so glad and grateful for it! When 5g was rolled out in my city, I felt so sensitive to it, that I thought I have to move somewhere else. Now with the USB, I feel the radiation much less when in the city. Most effectively I feel the protection in my apartment. When entering there is a welcoming and relaxed energy, because it is cleared from disturbing radiation. The first time I plugged it in I felt the immediate relieve in minutes and the first night I couldn’t sleep because...


TESTIMONY ABOUT 5GREZOTONESHIELD USB v SHUNGITE. Here are a few words about my personal experience with being exposed to EMF. I work in the City where 5G has been partly been rolled out in the area where I work. Since this took place, I noticed a very uncomfortable sensation in my left ear, which would become warm, then reddish with a “burning sensation”. Sometimes followed by extreme fatigue and completely “zapped of energy”. I then search for solutions and found out about the qualities of Shungite. I bought few Shungite pieces and this helped me a lot especially at...


This morning Todd came in, to return the USB he had borrowed from me. He told me that he had been trying to find a new WIFI Router/Modem and discovered it’s impossible these days to get a new WIFI Router/Modem that will allow you to turn the WIFI OFF, the WIFI portion is always ON even though you can use the modem section to hardwire your internet connection. Older WIFI/modems used to allow the WIFI section to be disabled (off). WIFI really bothers him, it makes him extremely uncomfortable and even angry. So this morning he took the Rezotone...

Juelie S. Renkilde Pedersen

I have suffered from EHS (electro-hyper-sensitivity) for 17 years, since my mid 20’s. I am extremely sensitive to frequencies. For me, the first 5G Rezotone Shield was a life saver. I experienced a liberty I hadn’t experienced for years. Before then, I was very sick, from EMF from work (I’m a nurse). When I felt worse, I was suffering from 50 different symptoms, everything from memory loss, dizziness, tiredness and fatigue, pain in muscles & nerves, dysesthesia, nausea, migrane, paralysis and so much more. The Rezotone helped me to the degree, were I became fully functional again in my daily...