Rezotone experience

Jim, GEMINI Health Emporium, NH

I purchased 3 of the Rezotone USB devices because I want protection against the unfortunate 5G rollout in the USA. When I first tried them I could feel chills running through my body, the sensation was rather unusual. As I do not have 5G or WIFI in my living environment (thank God!) I decided to lend one of the USBs to a friend Todd, who is extremely sensitive to EMFs and does have WIFI in his environment. He wrote, “When I first plugged it in last night, I felt uncontrollable smiling from the relief. These things are amazing. “Todd later added, “I love this device, and from what I can tell, the Russians have always had some amazing tech and research. In fact, researching pyramids back in the day, Russia was the only source for any studies via The University System of NH database regarding experiments regarding the pyramidal structure. This device is amazing!


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