Rezotone experience

Amanda, CA

After I had bought USB REZOTONE, I noticed that it normalized my blood pressure and stopped my heart fibrillations, which I always had after EMF   exposure.


More experiences

Jana Vickova

Few words about Rezotone 12. We are really happy with my friend. Not only for protection. First few days I was tired and few days sick (very old bacterie – 32 years). But now,...


Had a wonderful sleep last night…definitely so much better now I can have the rezotone in the bedroom…brilliant! I like to switch off the electrics in most of the house most of the time and definitely...

NADIA, Doctor in osteopathic Medicine

Skin had red spots from EMF exposure, completely vanished during the previous night after using USB! The key is an amplifier of our personal divinity! It will give us back what we are spreading...


While working on my laptop for the next day presentation, I did not experience my usual headache from my router that was located on the wall near my desk. I slept all night long...