Rezotone experience

Amanda, CA

After I had bought USB REZOTONE, I noticed that it normalized my blood pressure and stopped my heart fibrillations, which I always had after EMF   exposure.


More experiences

Jim, GEMINI Health Emporium, NH

I purchased 3 of the Rezotone USB devices because I want protection against the unfortunate 5G rollout in the USA. When I first tried them I could feel chills running through my body, the...

Jessica, NY

I am using Rezotone 12 USB. I wear it all day around my neck and in the right bra cup. I plug it in, in the bedroom at night. As my medication has change...


My rezotone arrived very timely! I am not living in a 5G area at the moment, but havingit plugged it is making a huge difference in how my mind is still and body feels...


I have noticed that when I go to pray for someone or send healing, while holding my Rezotone in my hands, it greatly magnifies the intensity of my prayers. It is very very powerful....