Rezotone experience

Matthew, LA

Thank you Julia!  Wow the future is now! We are One, the healing of one human been benefit for the whole body of our magnificient consciousness. Let’s do it all and together. Much LOVE to you and all your team!!! Thank you so much for assisting me on my journey, looking forward to sharing this precious gift with the ones with affinity and are ready to shift into the new stage of life. Stay uplifting

Matthew, USA, LA


More experiences

Kiersten Caveli Sæderup

Hi Julia. I’m very happy with my Rezotone 12.I’ve had it for a week. I no longer have the pain, which I have had for over a year. I have EHS. and has been...


My Rezatone has been healing my body, my mind, helping me with situations.Has fixed my laptop , My friend’s car battery issue and a plumbing shower issue and so many other things. I have...


My rezotone arrived very timely! I am not living in a 5G area at the moment, but having it plugged it is making a huge difference in how my mind is still and body...

Karen, Illinois

I received the Rezotone late yesterday and wanted to share with you some of my experiences with the device so far. Today I went to my chiropractor’s office to pick up some supplements…she knew that...