Rezotone experience


Rezotone technology will be a life-saver for those who accept it. Unfortunately, the majority will not accept or believe in it, but lives will be saved for those who do.


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Julia,something happened yesterday and I really think the rezotone saved me.REZOTONE has been on me or with me every second for about 2 years and this week it went missing, couldn’t find it anywhere,...


My room open to outside all day long now and little lizards running right near the door and wish to go in, but scared, birds always stay right at the balcony and some also flying right in...

Kay Lindemann, Washington State

Dear Julia, I now have REZOTONE 12 plugged in near my computer area.It puts out a HUGE field that immediately cleared a lot of energy at first and has now smoothed everything out! My...

Amie, LA

I currently have three of your USB devices when they were sold on (Now they sell something else that doesn’t work!) I love your USB REZOTONE keys. They even help with my gas mileage in...