Rezotone experience

Laura, New Jersey

 I purchased the first 2 USBs for my parents(about 4 months ago) because my parents were having severe symptoms(most likely from EMF exposure).  My parents had fatigue, headaches, dizziness, heart related issues, walking problems, memory problems, etc. which were getting serious.  However, after I purchased the USBs for them, they are a lot more alive, stable in health and most of these problems have improved tremendously(if they had 100% symptoms before, it seems that they have about 10% symptoms now).  

I believe that these USBs are definitely working because my parents are very practical people who tend to follow the crowd (i.e., unless it is accepted by the general population that something works, they are very resistant to try “out of the ordinary” type of things).  However, after I got these USBs for them, they carry around the USBs with them all of the time and they seem very satisfied with them. I also tried the USB and it has a very soothing feeling. I wanted to get some more USB for my nephew and nieces (who are very young).  I am concerned about 5G being installed soon in our environment (esp. in schools). 


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