Rezotone experience


Rezotone technology will be a life-saver for those who accept it. Unfortunately, the majority will not accept or believe in it, but lives will be saved for those who do.


More experiences

Laura, New Jersey

 I purchased the first 2 USBs for my parents(about 4 months ago) because my parents were having severe symptoms(most likely from EMF exposure).  My parents had fatigue, headaches, dizziness, heart related issues, walking problems,...


Just received my order and plugged them in. I purchased 3, to grid my home and then unplug one to carry with me when I leave my house. I’m sensitive to energies and when...


My room open to outside all day long now and little lizards running right near the door and wish to go in, but scared, birds always stay right at the balcony and some also flying right in...

Ramírez Fernandez

REZOTONE helping vaccinated people to gain health back! Dear Julia, Sadly I made mistake and I had one shot of MODERNA vaccine.My immune system is 20% less now, because of the vaccine.Right now i still have...