Rezotone experience


Just received my order and plugged them in. I purchased 3, to grid my home and then unplug one to carry with me when I leave my house. I’m sensitive to energies and when I plugged them in I could feel the shift and within my Aura. I will be ordering more for my family and friends and would highly recommend ordering if you haven’t already.


More experiences


When I first receive the Rezotone 12, I felt it is definitely stronger than the original normal Rezotone. I have a chronic upper spinal Pain for 16 years, tried all available remedy from herbs,...


Had a wonderful sleep last night…definitely so much better now I can have the rezotone in the bedroom…brilliant! I like to switch off the electrics in most of the house most of the time and definitely...


I have noticed that when I go to pray for someone or send healing, while holding my Rezotone in my hands, it greatly magnifies the intensity of my prayers. It is very very powerful....


I’ve had my rezotone for 6 weeks now and I’m feeling more energy ! I’m sleeping better too!I have more energy and have better sleep. I feel like I’m looking younger.Also my brain is...