Rezotone experience

Kay Lindemann, Washington State

Dear Julia, I now have REZOTONE 12 plugged in near my computer area.
It puts out a HUGE field that immediately cleared a lot of energy at first and has now smoothed everything out! My husband and I are thrilled. We are both very skilled at selecting settings on equipment such as the REZOTONE 12 and are glad to have the options.


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Jim, I slept with REZOTONE USB last night .The room felt abnormally peaceful. Still monitoring results, but man, these things work FAR better than the Q-Links, but really perhaps it just a different form...

Sibylle Gabrielv

Since I use the Rezotone UBS stick I sleep much longer and better and I can work longer and thinking is much easier, I am more creative. I told all my friends and contacts to...

Rosy, Geneva

Dearest Julia,Thank you very much for your loving words.Is the presence of the REZOTONE technology had any impact on my well-being?Although 74, I look like 60 and it seems aging has basically stopped since...


This morning Todd came in, to return the USB he had borrowed from me. He told me that he had been trying to find a new WIFI Router/Modem and discovered it’s impossible these days...