Rezotone experience

Jessica, NY

I am using Rezotone 12 USB. I wear it all day around my neck and in the right bra cup. I plug it in, in the bedroom at night. As my medication has change from 170 mcg to 100 mcg, I am assuming that the Rezotone and Angel is doing this, because between 85 REZOTONE’s programs, one program for the hormonal balance, plus my wonderful Angel is helping me.


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Dear Julia, Since about 2014 I often suffered from pressure on the chest. After the Rezotone 12 purchased in late 2021, it disappeared instantly. The chest pains were worse after the Covid 19 times...

Kimberly, Harmony Sound, California

My experience is upon receiving the 5G REZOTONE shield, I plugged it in and noticed within 24 hours a real calming effect on my body. I immediately felt less anxious and I could think more...


When I first receive the Rezotone 12, I felt it is definitely stronger than the original normal Rezotone. I have a chronic upper spinal Pain for 16 years, tried all available remedy from herbs,...

Mike Fish, New York

I have had a rezotone shield for many years and don’t go anywhere without it. It has healed me and my family in so many ways I can’t thank you enough. I live in...