Rezotone experience

Matthew, LA

Thank you Julia!  Wow the future is now! We are One, the healing of one human been benefit for the whole body of our magnificient consciousness. Let’s do it all and together. Much LOVE to you and all your team!!! Thank you so much for assisting me on my journey, looking forward to sharing this precious gift with the ones with affinity and are ready to shift into the new stage of life. Stay uplifting

Matthew, USA, LA


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Jim, GEMINI Health Emporium, NH

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Arne M. B.

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As soon as i received my rezotone 12 i lied down, placed the key over my heart with my left hand, and fell straight to sleep for 3 hours. I woke up and felt it still scanning...


Julia,something happened yesterday and I really think the rezotone saved me.REZOTONE has been on me or with me every second for about 2 years and this week it went missing, couldn’t find it anywhere,...