Rezotone experience

Sibylle Gabrielv

Since I use the Rezotone UBS stick I sleep much longer and better and I can work longer and thinking is much easier, I am more creative.

I told all my friends and contacts to get a Rezotone without waiting to have a protection when they start with 5G everywhere.
I tested at least 12 protection devices, some were very expensive and had no lasting effect. Only Somavedic and the Cosmic Tower are worth the investment but are much more expensive. Rezotone12 is small and unique. It is the best one considering all characteristics.
My eyesight got better because of Rezotone, I have to change my glasses, -3.25 now -1.75 !!!
Of course this effect could be a in combination with the other devices from Rezotone, the water filter, the pyramid and cards. All smart and easy to use.


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