Rezotone experience


My rezotone arrived very timely! I am not living in a 5G area at the moment, but having it plugged it is making a huge difference in how my mind is still and body feels relaxed when working on my laptop all day. At night time I have it plugged in in my bedroom and especially in the first two weeks I felt a change in my sleep. Deeper, more vivid dreams and feeling more fresh when waking up. I gifted one to my friend, he experiences the same. Also my refrigerator used to make a lot of noise, but since I have the Rezotone plugged in in the house, it has been quiet. I don’t know how it works, but this is truly great side benefit!” Thank you for bringing this product to market.


More experiences


I have noticed that when I go to pray for someone or send healing, while holding my Rezotone in my hands, it greatly magnifies the intensity of my prayers. It is very very powerful....


Dear Julia, when my wife was exposed to the spike protein from her mother, I had her take Ivermectin and HCQ/Quinine to prevent ACE2 receptor binding of the spike protein – she was fine...


The Rezotone12 and Q light have really saved me this summer, I was in contact with injected all day however it was outside, I can feel the injections so strongly. Feeling in a good...

Carla, Texas

Hi Julia! My Rezotone experienceI just wanted to tell you I’ve received my rezotone for 6 weeks now, and I’m feeling more energy !I’m sleeping better too !Julia, I love, my REZOTONE device very much...