While working on my laptop for the next day presentation, I did not experience my usual headache from my router that was located on the wall near my desk. I slept all night long and without interruption woke up only in the morning! Thank you to Creators of USB Rezotone.
Rezotone experience
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Rezotone technology will be a life-saver for those who accept it. Unfortunately, the majority will not accept or believe in it, but lives will be saved for those who do.
Amie, LA
I currently have three of your USB devices when they were sold on 5gbioshield.com. (Now they sell something else that doesn’t work!) I love your USB REZOTONE keys. They even help with my gas mileage in...
I was using 4G phone. And I start have migraines during last year. I was sure that this will be life long situation because of EMF around. Nothing really helped me.Now with the 5G...
Arne M. B.
Before when I went into the city of Zürich, which has very strong 5G, I would come back home drained out and energetically disturbed. It would take me at least 12 hours or more...