Skin had red spots from EMF exposure, completely vanished during the previous night after using USB! The key is an amplifier of our personal divinity! It will give us back what we are spreading around us: Love, human feelings, etc. The key has also the capacity to elevate people at all levels. Her message to humanity is: “Stay in the matrix of unconditional love, where everything is possible and happens”
Rezotone experience
NADIA, Doctor in osteopathic Medicine
More experiences
Rezotone technology will be a life-saver for those who accept it. Unfortunately, the majority will not accept or believe in it, but lives will be saved for those who do.
There is a woman called Anne, who lives in my town. Anne is in her late 60s’. 3 weeks ago she was knocked down in her apartment because of 5G& EMF exposure. None of...
Caroline Mailloux
Hello, I ordered that USB REZOTONE key and it’s working very well. We did measure of our vibration with pendulum and it’s really so high that you can’t even not measure your vibration and...
Laura, New Jersey
I purchased the first 2 USBs for my parents(about 4 months ago) because my parents were having severe symptoms(most likely from EMF exposure). My parents had fatigue, headaches, dizziness, heart related issues, walking problems,...