My room open to outside all day long now and little lizards running right near the door and wish to go in, but scared, birds always stay right at the balcony and some also flying right in to the room!!! Cat of the owners of the hotel just coming and lie down here near my door all the time and want to be inside…BIRDS, ANIMALS love REZOTONE 12 healthy energy and feel very comfortable around here.
Rezotone experience
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Rosy, Geneva
Dearest Julia,Thank you very much for your loving words.Is the presence of the REZOTONE technology had any impact on my well-being?Although 74, I look like 60 and it seems aging has basically stopped since...
There is a woman called Anne, who lives in my town. Anne is in her late 60s’. 3 weeks ago she was knocked down in her apartment because of 5G& EMF exposure. None of...
Finola Ní Fhoghlu
Dearest Julia, I have tested the new Rezotone 12 and I have found it definitely does work. This weekend I was exposed to a lot of injected people, it didn’t bother me like it had been...
Jessica, NY
I am using Rezotone 12 USB. I wear it all day around my neck and in the right bra cup. I plug it in, in the bedroom at night. As my medication has change...