Rezotone experience


While working on my laptop for the next day presentation, I did not experience my usual headache from my router that was located on the wall near my desk. I slept all night long and without interruption woke up only in the morning! Thank you to Creators of USB Rezotone.


More experiences

Mike Fish, New York

I have had a rezotone shield for many years and don’t go anywhere without it. It has healed me and my family in so many ways I can’t thank you enough. I live in...

Alexander Johnston, Columbia, MO

When I first received the Rezotone USB, the first thing I noticed is a tingling sensation in the arm I was holding the device in. It was only a couple hours later that my...

Amie, LA

I currently have three of your USB devices when they were sold on (Now they sell something else that doesn’t work!) I love your USB REZOTONE keys. They even help with my gas mileage in...

NADIA, Doctor in osteopathic Medicine

Skin had red spots from EMF exposure, completely vanished during the previous night after using USB! The key is an amplifier of our personal divinity! It will give us back what we are spreading...